Where can I buy Ag-Alchemy's products?

Currently our products are available through our online store and national retailers. Ask your store to stock Ag-Alchemy products today!

View Ag-Alchemy's Online Store

Local to the Omaha, NE area, you can find our products in the pet aisle of your local grocer. Can't find them? Let your grocer know! We are constantly adding retailers and pet stores to our distribution channels.

What's special about the probiotics in your treats?

Not all probiotics are created equal. The specific strain we use in our Pro Bakery Bites is one that has been carefully researched and chosen based on several key characteristics. These include its ability to reduce harmful pathogens (both within food products, and within your pet's gut!), its ability to adhere (or "stick around") in your pet's gut, and its safety as a microbial supplement.

Where do your upcycled ingredients come from?

The upcycled ingredients we use come from local food manufacturers who have quality products that for whatever reason don't meet their sale requirements. For example, a lopsided loaf of bread may not be acceptable for a grocery store shelf, but it is still perfectly good as an inclusion in a pet treat.

Who do I contact if I have any questions or concerns?

You can reach us through our Contact page, by emailing info@ag-alchemy.com, or messaging us through any of our social media accounts! We do our best to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours.